Seen and Loved
Focus Verse
“So she called the name of the Lord who spoke to her, “You are a God of seeing,” for she said, “Truly here I have seen Him who looks after me” (Gen: 16:13).
Hagar was the maid servant of Abram’s wife Sarai. Sarai had not given Abram offspring that the Lord told him He would (Genesis 15:4), and so Sarai gave her maid servant to her husband in marriage so that through her, Sarai and Abram would have a child heir.
Sarai decided to “help” God, and in doing so, ended up hurting herself and others. If she had simply waited on God and not tried to “help” Him, she would have avoided the hurt and the pain she inflicted on herself and others. The consequences of her actions affected many, including an unborn child and the descendants for generations.
Like Hagar, if you have ever had to pay the consequences for the actions of someone else, then you know it is not a place that you want to be. That is what happened to Hagar when she did what she was told. She fled… ran away from what was troubling her. While she was fleeing, she was visited by an angel of the Lord who comforted her. She felt lost and unseen, but God saw her. He saw her, and He loved her where she was (Genesis 16:13). I have been on the end of the consequences of someone else’s bad decisions.
I didn’t physically run away, but in my darkest times when I felt unseen and alone, I was comforted by God letting me know that He saw, He was with me, and I was not alone. God meets us where we are. In the times of uncertainty we are currently facing, we can trust that God sees.
While Sarai took matters into her own hands and harmed others, I find it encouraging that we go on to read in chapter 17 that God changed her name to Sarah and blessed her. We often make some of the same choices that Sarai did, and God can, and will still bless us.
God doesn’t need our help. If He speaks and says He will do something, He will! He has been doing it, well, forever! If He tells us to go and do, then we must submit to Him and be obedient. We need to believe, have faith, and wait on Him.
Father God, please help me to wait on You. Help me to be still and listen, and trust that You will do what You say. Allow my past to remind me to trust You more. Thank you for loving me and being the God who sees me. In Jesus Name, Amen.
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