Tuesday, February 17, 2015


Marriage is designed by God.  He intends for one man to be married to one woman.  Children need two parents.  Struggles come, but we must fight to keep the covenant that was made with God, and each other.  Everyone suffers if this is not followed.  It hurts for long amounts of time.  I have been divorced for 5 years and 5 months, the pain still is there, it is strong at times, and is depressing.  I never wanted this for my life, and I really need help getting through it.  God is the only constant in my life, the only real source of peace.  I have fallen in love with a man, and sometimes feel like things will not work out with him because of our kids, and our ex’s. The pain in my heart is so evident today that I feel like there is no hope for a future. God, I need You, oh I need You now.  Written January 31. 2015

http://youtu.be/9ylnx0NA9X4  "Need You Now, Plumb"

"Keep Your Marriage Vows
Now to the married I command, yet not I but the Lord: A wife is not to depart from her husband. But even if she does depart, let her remain unmarried or be reconciled to her husband. And a husband is not to divorce his wife. But to the rest I, not the Lord, say: If any brother has a wife who does not believe, and she is willing to live with him, let him not divorce her.  And a woman who has a husband who does not believe, if he is willing to live with her, let her not divorce him.  For the unbelieving husband is sanctified by the wife, and the unbelieving wife is sanctified by the husband; otherwise your children would be unclean, but now they are holy. But if the unbeliever departs, let him depart; a brother or a sister is not under bondage in such cases. But God has called us to peace. For how do you know, O wife, whether you will save your husband? Or how do you know, O husband, whether you will save your wife?" (1 Corinthians 7:10-16).

1 comment:

  1. Lyrics to the song referenced in the blog.
    "Well, everybody's got a story to tell
    And everybody's got a wound to be healed
    I want to believe there's beauty here
    'Cause oh, I get so tired of holding on
    I can't let go, I can't move on
    I want to believe there's meaning here

    How many times have you heard me cry out
    "God please take this?"
    How many times have you given me strength to
    Just keep breathing?
    Oh I need you
    God, I need you now

    Standing on a road I didn't plan
    Wondering how I got to where I am
    I'm trying to hear that still small voice
    I'm trying to hear above the noise

    How many times have you heard me cry out
    "God please take this?"
    How many times have you given me strength to
    Just keep breathing?
    Oh I need you
    God, I need you now

    Though I walk,
    Though I Walk through the shadows
    And I, I am so afraid
    Please stay, Please stay right beside me
    With every single step I take

    How many times have you heard me cry out?
    And how many times have you given me strength?

    How many times have you heard me cry out
    "God please take this?"
    How many times have you given me strength to
    Just keep breathing?
    Oh I need you
    God, I need you now.

    I need you now
    Oh I need you
    God, I need you now.
    I need you now
    I need you now"
